Wellies & Walkies

Feb 21, 2024

When walking your dog becomes less appealing as it’s cold and dark or wet, here are some simple ideas to help improve those wet and muddy walks !

Some breeds cope better with winter weather than others, but all dogs need to stay active all year round, whatever their age and size. Exercise is essential to maintain your dog’s ideal body weight and condition, but also for its mental stimulation and well being.

Elderly dogs will appreciate extra care in cold or damp weather. Exercise is still important, but taking shorter, more frequent walks may suit your senior dog. Avoid walking in the rain if you can, and choose a gentler walking route that avoids very steep hills and steps.

During the winter months salt and grit on snowy or icy streets can sting dogs’ paws and noses while walking, they can even affect upset tummies if your dog licks its paws. Keep the hair between the paws of long-haired breeds trimmed as ice can form on the fur and makes for an uncomfortable walk. Check paws after each walk and wash off any salt or grit.

During the darker months try to walk earlier in the day when temperatures are a little higher and if your only option is to walk at night make sure both you and your dog are visible to cars and others by wearing reflective strips/coats or collar lights for your dog found at all pet stores.

Following these simple ideas can make walking in any weather more enjoyable. Happy walking and stay safe !